Back to school information for the 2022-23 school term has been finalized for Lillard Intermediate.
News Archive (2022-23)
Review news and announcements from the previous school term.
Date Range
Important First Day Information for Mary Lillard
Purchase Lillard PE uniforms today.
Lillard's fundraiser is going on until September 7th.
Lillard spirit wear is being sold now through September 9th.
Hello week activities September 19-22.
Don't miss out on this family fun! Decorate your pumpkin as your favorite book character or the setting of your favorite book!
22-23 Lillard Yearbooks are now on sale for $20. Price increases on Nov. 1st.
Thank you to the parents, teachers and students who joined TEA (Teachers Excited About Achievements) for our Pink Pumpkin Painting Event last Saturday!
Sock Hop Social November 4th. Tickets are on sale now!